25 thoughts on “Robert Pires Dive V Bolton Wanderers

  1. And you’re a Google flavoured kettle that flew to the moon with Roger Rabbit and Steven Seagal. Once you arrived you all plastered yourselves in germolene and had a naked wrestle, then proceeded to talk for hours about lead butties.

    I have never dived. Get over it.

  2. You’re a Demi-God. I prostrate myself before the only man in history never to have fallen over without first having been shot in the face with an elephant gun.

  3. I have told a lie, many lies actually. So don’t assume things, it is ridiculous.. I’m honest even if I have lied before, (I’m sure at least 99% of people have) and I have never dived in my entire life, this proves you are very deluded as you have just denied a fact and have never met me and think you know what I have and have not done. Why don’t you explain how I am being a ‘hero’? Please, I really want to hear how dumb this is going to sound. Pathetic little temper tantrum from you there mate.

  4. Yeah, yeah! Let me guess, you’ve never told a lie either? Heard it all before, mate! Somebody ought to give you a medal for being such a fucking hero!

  5. I think it was a dive, even though Pires is one of my favourite players to play in England, he did dive often and this is one of them I’d say. He would of at least asked why he was booked he didn’t dive. His face paints the picture.

  6. This was an awful dive, let’s admit it.

    This is why we always talk about Henry and Bergkamp as the greatest Arsenal Legends… and Pires as ‘part of the invincible squad’.

    Fantastic player, but he can never be a legend in my eyes. No repetitive diver can.

  7. Newsflash: There is NO player in the world that has never dived. NOT ONE. People need to get over it.

  8. I have to agree. I hate this shit. Pires is my favourite Arsenal player ever, but I know he was a diver and trying to deny it is stupid. It’s like Bale these days, with people and some analyst’s trying to claim he is merely trying to protect himself, when everyone knows he has dived. Pires was a diver. I still love him.

  9. It looks like he just fell. LOL everyone finds a reason to hate on Arsenal.

  10. Shame this is a massive error from Peter Brackley here, I wonder at what point he realised how wrong he’d called it. I always rated him as a commentator though.

  11. You’re actually trying to defend a blatant dive… you obviously cannot accept Pires was a cheat on some occasions. Sorry mate, but get out of your shell.

  12. if someone stuck their leg out like that at me i would have lost my balance too. the only difference is i would have got up and knocked his head off for even attempting a tackle like that. if that had connected can you honestly say it was a controlled challenge and that he wouldn’t have hacked him down? appalling.

  13. you guys are idiots. while ben haim and robert pires are sipping beers and sexing your women you are arguing over something that happened years ago when players do this every week now

  14. Defender takes a swing at him and misses. Pires avoids swing. You don’t need contact for it to be a foul. You don’t have to leave your leg in position so that a defender can damage you but the defender has still committed a foul by trying to hack you down and by having you swerve to avoid contact.. IT’S A FOUL, dude. Wrong call by ref, imagine that!

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